Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Void Where Socks Go...

So most of us know as we get into work, what we need to do for the day. I usually start the day by logging into the system and checking out my calendar in Outlook.

Today I look at my schedule at lo and behold... another full day of meetings! 8 hours worth! I mean how the fuck am I suppose to get work done if you wankers keep booking 8 hours of meetings, oh wait I know! I will visit the void where my socks end up and find some extra time in there shall I? Or will I just use my own personal time after hours eh?

Dude I know your wife/girlfriend has the face of a dropped pie, but for fucks sake I actually want to go home and visit my hot girl... So do me a favour, STOP booking useless conference calls that no-one gives a shit about and go home ...